How to overcome fear of failure?

  • News
  • December 9, 2022

Failure. That big, ugly F-word most people in business are afraid of. These days, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t afraid of it.

And why shouldn’t we be? Failure is a completely normal human emotion, especially when it comes to those of us who have put our all into our business!

And now, with the rise of social media and seeing small entrepreneurs be successful, we fear failure even more. But, again, failure is NORMAL! In all aspects, failing only means you learn from your mistakes and grow from them to be even more successful in the future.

Failure brings growth

By fearing failure, you actually hold yourself back from trying new challenges or making bold moves in your business. This makes you feel stuck (another dreaded word) and leaves your goals and aspirations behind for the sake of being safe.

I understand failure can be embarrassing, no one wants to try hard at something and fail at it.

But failure can be a great opportunity for growth. If you think about it, by only being successful every time you do something new, you never get the opportunity to grow as an individual and a business owner.

Failing takes you back to the drawing board, takes you back to square one where you need to invest more time into your current project. 

Failure will teach you

Don’t forget, your business is not going to gain success from the get-go, failure will teach you growth, and it will teach you new things you never thought about before.

Don’t be ashamed to fail, because by failing, you are putting your everything into your work, and that means that next time you do something, you will do it a million times better.

Everyone has experienced failure, in all aspects of life, and as I said, it is absolutely normal and even expected in life.

But think of it like this. if you aren’t failing, you’re not trying to tackle those big goals you had set for yourself, you’re settling. So, understand that although failure can be humiliating and daunting, it is the best way to know whether you are headed in the right direction toward even better things for your business.

Flip the idea of failure and turn it into one of those important steps toward success.