How to navigate social media

  • News
  • December 2, 2022

One thing that is almost never discussed when it comes to entrepreneurs and small businesses in social media is finding the right way to manage it.

What should you be talking about? What trends are relevant? What social media platforms should you prioritise?

These questions are headache-inducing, but there are ways to navigate social media and avoid getting lost in the maze.

Sometimes it even feels like having a social media map would be incredibly helpful, so here I will be giving you a few tips on how to navigate social media.


First of all, you have to commit to social media. It can be hard to grow an audience, as well as attain good engagement, and even making content can be draining.

This leads to some brands fully giving up on social media after a few months of trying it out.

Commit to it, and don’t think about the ups and downs, because those will lead you to feel very overwhelmed, just be consistent, try to figure out what works for you and your audience, and give it time.

Time is what is important; companies don’t grow overnight, you need to have a strategy that will help you understand and commit to social media.

Ever since the pandemic started in early 2020, there has been exponential growth in social media usage, especially applications like Instagram and TikTok.

You need to study what apps your dream clients use, and what attracts them to those brands, and then you need to commit to making content that will be successful and interesting for your dream clients.

Social media engagement and growth don’t happen overnight, so you need to commit, commit, and commit.


In a previous blog post, I mentioned that your brand accounts are a representation of you. What makes you shine, and what makes you special?

If you’re unapologetically you and show yourself and your brand, that will make clients even more interested in engaging with you.

Make sure your brand has personality, don’t make it seem like you’re not even interested in your account, and simply have posts scheduled without a single care of connecting with your audience.

People like people, people don’t like robots. Show yourself, connect to your audience, be funny, be authentic, and BE YOU.

Every once in a while, make a post talking about you, mention your experience, and talk about your offers. This will make new clients intrigued, as well as re-introducing your brand to long-time followers.

Make posts with testimonials. People like reading about other people’s experiences, and no one likes to buy something without getting a general consensus of what the general public beliefs.

Which is why it is so important to have previous clients leave you reviews so that you can then turn those reviews into content and, therefore, gain new clients.


Social media can be incredibly overwhelming, what with the many sites that are popular, the many algorithms, the many updates… It can get confusing.

So, just choose networks that you know work for your audience and simply roll with those.

Focus your efforts on two or three social media platforms that you KNOW will give you success and then, make your presence in them unique.

I know it can be scary to have the option to be in so many places, but using a few can really help you and your brand in coming up with very successful promotion strategies.

Being successful in social media takes time, and when you’re just starting out it can feel incredibly intimidating.

But give it time, and focus, and don’t lose hope. Because you never know if that one post on Instagram that got 13 likes will bring you the client you always wanted to have.